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Business Overview

Welcome to Argade Bandhu Green Ltd, where we specialize in the manufacturing of agriculture machines such as mini tractors, power weeders, compact tractors, power tillers, and tractor attachments. Our upcoming unlaunched business is set to revolutionize the agricultural industry with our innovative products designed for efficiency and productivity.
As we look at the industry landscape, the agriculture machine manufacturing sector is experiencing steady growth globally. The demand for advanced machinery in the agricultural sector is on the rise as farmers seek to increase their efficiency and yield. With a focus on quality and performance, we are well-positioned to capitalize on this growing market.

We, Argade Bandhu Green Ltd, are an upcoming unlaunched business specializing in the manufacturing of agriculture machinery, particularly tractors and power weeders. Our business operates both online and through a physical location at Office no 821 Global Business Hub Eion Free Zone Kharadi Tq Haveli Dist Pune. With a team of 10 dedicated employees, we are committed to providing high-quality and reliable agricultural equipment to our customers.

Business Origins


Argade Bandhu Green Ltd was founded with the vision of revolutionizing the agricultural industry by offering innovative and efficient machinery to agriculture machinery dealers, farmers in rural areas, and agricultural cooperatives. Our products, including the Mini Tractor, Power Weeder, Compact Tractor, Power Tiller, and Tractor Attachment, are designed to cater to the diverse needs of our customer segments.

Competitive Advantage

Our competitive advantage lies in our diverse product range, which sets us apart from competitors in the market. We offer a wide selection of agricultural machinery that is tailored to different agricultural tasks, ensuring that our customers have access to the equipment they need to enhance productivity and efficiency. Additionally, our products are known for their reliability and performance, making us a trusted choice for agriculture professionals.

SWOT analysis

SWOT Analysis​



We have a diverse product range catering to different agricultural needs, providing us with a competitive edge in the market.

We offer innovative and reliable agricultural machinery, which sets us apart from our competitors and builds trust with our customers.

Our products are designed to enhance productivity and efficiency, helping farmers achieve better results in their agricultural tasks.

Our strategic location in the Eion Free Zone Kharadi Tq Haveli Dist Pune provides us with access to a wide customer base and potential business opportunities.

We have a dedicated team of 10 employees who are committed to delivering high-quality products and services to our customers.



Our limited distribution channels could restrict our reach to potential customers. To mitigate this, we can explore partnerships with local distributors or invest in online marketing strategies to expand our market presence.

We need urgent funds to increase production capacity and meet growing demand. To address this, we can consider seeking investment opportunities or applying for business loans to support our expansion plans.



The growing demand for agricultural machinery in rural areas presents an opportunity for us to expand our customer base and increase sales.

Technology advancements offer us opportunities to develop new and improved agricultural machinery that can further enhance productivity and efficiency.

Government initiatives to support the agriculture sector can provide us with potential partnerships and funding opportunities to scale our business operations.

Expanding our distribution channels through online platforms can help us reach a wider audience and increase our market share.



Intense competition in the agriculture machinery industry could threaten our market position. To mitigate this, we can focus on product differentiation and customer service to stand out from competitors.

Fluctuations in raw material prices and supply chain disruptions could impact our production costs and lead to potential delays in product delivery. To address this, we can establish strong supplier relationships and implement inventory management strategies to minimize risks.

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STP Segmentation

Agriculture Machinery Dealers: This segment consists of businesses that specialize in selling agricultural machinery. Their needs include reliable and efficient machinery to offer to their customers. Demographics include business owners or managers in the agriculture industry. Purchasing behavior involves looking for high-quality products that can increase their sales and reputation.

Farmers in Rural Areas: Farmers in rural areas require machinery that can help them increase their productivity and yield. Their needs include easy-to-use and durable equipment. Demographics include individuals living in rural communities who rely on agriculture for their livelihood. Purchasing behavior involves looking for cost-effective solutions that can improve their farming practices.

Agricultural Cooperatives: Agricultural cooperatives seek machinery that can benefit their members and enhance overall productivity. Their needs include versatile equipment that can be shared among multiple farmers. Demographics include cooperative members or managers involved in agricultural activities. Purchasing behavior involves looking for long-term investments that can benefit the cooperative as a whole.

Large-Scale Farmers: Large-scale farmers require machinery that can handle extensive agricultural operations. Their needs include high-capacity equipment for large land areas. Demographics include wealthy individuals or companies involved in commercial farming. Purchasing behavior involves looking for top-of-the-line products that can maximize their output.

Agricultural Research Institutions: Agricultural research institutions need advanced machinery for experimental purposes. Their needs include innovative equipment for testing new farming techniques. Demographics include researchers and scientists in the agricultural field. Purchasing behavior involves looking for cutting-edge technology that can support their research endeavors.


We have chosen to target the segments of Agriculture Machinery Dealers, Farmers in Rural Areas, and Agricultural Cooperatives. These segments were selected because they represent a high-income customer base with specific needs that align with our product offerings. By focusing on these segments, we can tailor our marketing efforts and product development to meet their requirements effectively.


As Argade Bandhu Green Ltd, we position ourselves as a premium provider of agricultural machinery for high-income customers such as Agriculture Machinery Dealers, Farmers in Rural Areas, and Agricultural Cooperatives. Our products are designed to offer reliable power and performance, catering to the specific needs of each segment. 

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